A food celebration sharing community.
Hi, I'm Judy! Welcome to Teatime Bakery!
Teatime Bakery is all about celebrating and sharing the foods I've been creating since I moved to the US. Baking is not something I ever thought I would do for a living, nor is cooking. My parents barely cooked; they've always been busy in their nursery, and I've always been an interior and graphic designer all my life.
When I first moved to the US in 2001, I started cooking because that was the only way to save money for college. One day, a friend motivated me to make a cake from a box cake (it was more like forcing me because he was busy cooking dinner for a big party of 20!!). I didn’t know what to do or where to start, even though the baking instructions were already printed on the box. The cake turned out okay, and there were hardly any decorations except for some silly stickman on top. All my friends loved my first cake; however, I knew this wasn’t really a “cake.”
Since then, I have been baking! Throughout these years of baking, I have only been focusing on trying new recipes but never exactly looking into the detail of the taste or the cake's appearance. (I mean, the baked goods taste great but never create any echoes!)
Did I mention I am also an interior and graphic designer? One day, I turned back and talked to myself, why not combine all my skills in one and make a better me.
As my experience grew, my skills became more advanced and improved, and eventually, many people started asking if I would bake for them. I wasn't sure how something like that was going to work since I have only been baking how I like. After a few tries, I realized I really enjoyed seeing the excitement when I delivered my baked goods.
I am hoping one day you will show me how happy you are when you receive my goodies.